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Innovation through gene-editing can address Climate Change

Innovation through gene-editing can address Climate Change

Climate change is a major challenge globally and like other sectors, agriculture too is hugely impacted. Incessant rains, drought and frequent pests and disease outbreak are all signs of the deteriorating effects of climate change. There’s a lot of work to be done in...

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Biotech Cropscan helpto Conserve Biodiversity

Biotech Cropscan helpto Conserve Biodiversity

Today, agriculture sector requires an approach that can bring sustainable changes in the practices of sowing, growing and harvesting crops. Crops grown through modern scientific intervention like biotechnology is one of the solutions to grow food sustainably. Using...

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Why GMOs Are A Viable Solution to World Food Hunger?

Why GMOs Are A Viable Solution to World Food Hunger?

Love them or hate them but you can’t ignore GMOs. They have the potential to increase yield, and qualities such as insect resistant or pest resistant provides quality produce and profits for farmers. People are still divided whether to eat GMOs or not and it is mostly...

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Using crops and wetlands to absorb Carbon from atmosphere

Using crops and wetlands to absorb Carbon from atmosphere

Wolfgang Busch, a scientist at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies is trying to harness the carbon-sucking power of plants in order to clean the atmosphere. The team is behind the initiative called Harnessing Plants Initiative (HPI). It is an innovative approach...

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Importance of Advances in Vegetable Cultivation

Importance of Advances in Vegetable Cultivation

India is home to approximately 40 major and multitude local vegetable crops of varying significance. Vegetable growing is a labour-intensive job that also requires substantial amount of capital to be invested. In recent years, with deployment of latest technologies...

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